About Rockdale NeTworks
Sam Smiley founded Rockdale NeTworks in 1998. Sam saw a need for a computer networking service for small and medium sized businesses. Small businesses many times do not have the resources to keep up with a very rapidly changing technology. Sam started working with computers and Microsoft software in 1988. He started Rockdale NeTworks in 1998 with the mission to provide enterprise level solutions to the small business environment. Sam can be reached at sam.smiley@rockdalenet.com.
The Rockdale NeTworks web site is hosted by an IBM X System 3650 M3 dual Xeon Processor server. The foundation for the web site is Microsoft Windows Server and Internet Information Server. E-mail is handled by a second IBM X System 3650 M3 dual Xeon Processor powered by Windows Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. Other services that we handle internally are DNS, SQL Database & e-mail filtering. These services are maintained on their own servers, including IBM X System 3650 M3 dual processor rack optimized servers. Rockdale NeTworks does take advantage of VMware virtual machines to reduce total cost of ownership and improve availability. A Cisco Systems 2951 G2 ISR router connects our network to the Internet via an AT&T UVerse broadband connection that provides VPN services to our clients and employees. A Cisco Systems 3560X-48P-E Catalyst network switch connects it all together. Our phone system is integrated into our data network utilizing Cisco Call Manager Express, Unity Express and VoIP phones.
We as a company pride ourselves on our ability to work with a wide variety of hardware and software. These titles include Microsoft Windows server and desktop products; Internet Information Services, Exchange Server, SQL Server, TCP/IP and SMTP technologies and servers, Symantec Anti-Virus, VMware virtual servers and Cisco Systems networking equipment and VoIP phone systems.
We share an office with one of our customers, The Tax Shelter. Our office is located at:
2440 Wall St.
Suite A
Conyers, GA 30013-6701
(770) 483-0351
Copyright 1998 - 2019, Rockdale NeTworks, 2440 Wall St.,
Suite A, Conyers, GA 30013-6701, (770) 483-0351